Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Cifre Contract with Geometry Factory

Mael Rouxel-Labbé's PhD thesis is supported by a Cifre contract with Geometry Factory (http://www.geometryfactory.com ). The subject is the generation of anisotropic meshes.

Commercialization of cgal packages through Geometry Factory

In 2014, Geometry Factory (http://www.geometryfactory.com ) had the following new customers for cgal packages developed by Geometrica :

  • LMI Technologies (Canada, GIS): 2D triangulations

  • Rio Tinto (Australie, mining): 2D triangulations

  • Geovariances (France, oil and gas): 3D triangulations and meshes

  • Elektrobit (Allemagne, GIS): 2D triangulations

  • First Light Fusion (UK, energie): 2D triangulations